(STATE COLLEGE) Anyone interested in improving their yard or small acreage lot for the benefit of humans, flora and fauna will not want to miss the fourth in the “Woods in Your Backyard” series of programs to be held in State College.
Woods in Your Backyard: Creating Healthy Habitats for People, Plants, and Wildlife will be held Saturday, April 30 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Forest Resources Building Auditorium, Penn State University Park, PA.
The program is sponsored by Forests for the Bay, Penn State Extension and ClearWater Conservancy.
This workshop is designed specifically (but not exclusively) for smaller landscapes. These small lots are a big deal. The vast majority of Pennsylvania’s landowners have less than 10 acres. This land, wooded or not, can provide benefits. By enhancing wooded areas or creating natural areas on your property, you can enjoy recreation, aesthetics, wildlife, improved water quality and reduced energy costs. Owners of even the smallest landscapes can make a positive difference in their environment through planning and implementing simple stewardship practices.
The workshop introduces the manual “The Woods in Your Backyard: Learning to Create and Enhance Natural Areas Around Your Home.” All participants will receive the full-color, 139-page manual – a $23 value! This self-directed book will guide you through the process of developing and implementing projects to enhance your land’s natural resources.
The entire workshop will take place at the Penn State Forest Resources Building. All participants will remain together in the morning sessions and then choose their afternoon sessions based on interest.
Topics will include:
Forest and soil ecology
Your woods and water
Tree and wildflower identification
Woodland management techniques
Controlling invasive species
Creating or improving wildlife habitat
Converting lawns to woods or meadows
Creating pollinator habitat
Medicinal plants, mushrooms and maple syrup
Songbirds ……and more
Cost is $25 per individual or $40 for two from the same household (includes manual, lunch and light morning refreshments)
For more information and to register go to: http://bit.ly/WIYB2016 or call 814-355-4897.