Sept. 10 - Clearwater staff had a great time visiting the Barrens to Bald Eagle Wildlife Corridor learning about the history of the space and it's purpose to connect two ecological forest blocks, Bald Eagle Mountain and the Scotia Barrens. This was a first time visit for some staff and an incredible shared experience out of the office and into the sunshine.
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Recent Stories
6 days ago
On the Move: Wildlife Corridors, the B2BE, and Migratory Birds!
Wildlife Corridors We inhabit a world of many species, spaces, and needs for survival. To get from here to there, one must have a space...
Sep 28
Staff Visits the Barrens to Bald Eagle Wildlife Corridor on Sept. 10
Sept. 10 - Clearwater staff had a great time visiting the Barrens to Bald Eagle Wildlife Corridor learning about the history of the...
Sep 22
Tree Planting and Blue Bird Box Day
Supporting the Fairbrook United Methodist Church Buffer In springtime, migrating birds stop over the pond across from Fairbrook, along...
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