Dec 29, 2015Twenty-nine Acres on Tussey Mountain Added to Rothrock Forest(STATE COLLEGE, Pa.) When Tom Hoy retired from a career with the FBI and returned to his hometown of State College in 2006, he had...
Sep 21, 2015ClearWater joins DCNR in celebration of 570-acre addition to Bald Eagle State Forest(CENTRE HALL, Pa.) ClearWater Conservancy staff and volunteers joined Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Secretary Cindy...
Aug 26, 2015Deb Nardone Named Executive Director(STATE COLLEGE, Pa.) Deborah Nardone of Halfmoon Township, a longtime champion of natural places and clean water, has been named...
Mar 19, 2015Connections program sponsors 2,100 student visits to Millbrook Marsh this spring(STATE COLLEGE, Pa.) ClearWater Conservancy awarded $16,632 in funding through its “Connections” program for 2,164 students from 16 area...