2024 Highlights

ClearWater’s strategic plan lays out four Compass Points that chart a straight line from the founders’ original vision through the present day. In fact, it is the work of ClearWater to ensure that everyone in our community has the opportunity to have tangible conservation impact – whether they have had a hand in protection, restoration, stewardship, or connecting people with nature.
With 11,338 total acres protected and a comprehensive program that covers the entirety of the original vision, ClearWater’s success is proof that setting long-range goals and staying committed does generate a lifetime’s worth of progress.
Below are some highlights from the past year, as well as our recognition of volunteers who have worked so hard to help local conservation work happen for us all. Plus, we share some of our plans for the future in the new Community Conservation Center on Spring Creek!
Centred Outdoors Season 8

In 2024, 951 (from January - October) adventures were led throughout 68 guided outings at 20 different nearby natural destinations
New program features added to promote equity and inclusion in the outdoors:
Free van transportation for select events
Wellness Wednesdays offer varied outdoor activities
Outdoor Leadership Cohort
Outdoor Gear Library
Rothrock Trail Alliance

Fundraised and contracted for 7.3 miles of trail at Musser Gap, anticipating construction to begin by the end of the year.
Land Conservation so far in 2024...

Acquired a 1.7 acre meadow along Spring Creek from the Rockenbeck family that adds to the site for ClearWater’s Community Conservation Center.
Partnered with Natural Lands to prepare a Baseline Report on a 667-acre conservation easement in Northern Huntingdon County.
Stream Restoration & More

1,462 native trees and shrubs planted since October 2023.
600 live stakes planted.
Since the spring, 24 Streamside Stewards have collectively spent 105 hours volunteering.
Watershed Cleanup Day 2024

6,320 pounds of trash cleared
550 volunteers
57 sites
Since 1997, volunteers have prevented more than 6 million pounds of trash from entering our local waterways
Art & Chocolate 2024

More than 20+ volunteers
35 local artists featured in exhibit & auction
Raised over $31,000
Centred Outdoors since 2017

7,000+ guided adventures led
266 events held
48 destinations visited
Many thousands reached digitally!
Land Conservation in 2023

ClearWater’s Land Trust Accreditation is renewed through 2028 by the Land Trust Alliance Commission.
Conserved the 10 acre site at Colerain Forges Mansion in Huntingdon County, including 800 feet of Warriors Mark Run.
The Snyder Family donated a 35-acre conservation easement on Nittany Mountain in the Roaring Run Biological Diversity Area.
Staff monitored 4,723 acres, including 25 conservation easements held by ClearWater and 11 additional conservation easements monitored through a partnership with the Centre County Farmland Trust.
Land Conservation since 1980

3,658 acres conserved with conservation easements
2,218 acres acquired then conveyed
5,407 acres facilitated conservation efforts for
55 acres owned
11,338 total acres conserved or protected
Riparian Conservation Program
since 2004

237 acres of streamside forest restored and stewarded
26.5 miles of local stream improved
More than 40,000 native trees and shrubs currently improving waterways throughout central Pennsylvania and downstream
Centre County PA Senior Environmental Corps

30 streams monitored
52 sampling sites
More than 60 volunteers
As of September 2024:
1,650 hours volunteered
7,700 miles driven
Golf-Fest 2024

Raised over $117,000
Made possible by more than 43 volunteers
Highlights from 2024
Thank you, volunteers!
Our work would not be possible without the dedication of our volunteers and partnering organizations and businesses. Their contributions of time, talent, and expertise allow us to do so much more than we could possibly do on our own. Your service is an inspiration to us all as we protect the places that matter most in central Pennsylvania!
The Barbara Fisher
Volunteer of the Year Award
Named in 2005 to honor Barbara Fisher for her 25 years of dedicated and passionate service, this award is given to a ClearWater Conservancy volunteer who exemplifies our organization's mission and dedicates their time to help conserve our region's natural resources.
Ford Stryker

The Community Conservation Commendation Award
This award is given for exemplary service to our community and the environment. Awardees have played a vital role in helping connect, protect, restore, and steward this beautiful place we call home.
Beth & Matt Powell

The Centering Connections with the Outdoors Award – Individual
This award is given to an individual who has contributed to the strengthening and enhancement of ClearWater Conservancy and its Centred Outdoors program. The awardee will have played a significant role in connecting individuals with the benefits of spending time outside, building a sense of belonging within the community, and fostering commitment to appreciating and stewarding the natural world around us. 
Steve Neely

The Centering Connections with the Outdoors Award – Group or Business
This award is given to a group or business that has contributed to the strengthening and enhancement of ClearWater Conservancy and its Centred Outdoors program. The awardee will have played a significant role in connecting individuals with the benefits of spending time outside, building a sense of belonging within the community, and fostering commitment to appreciating and stewarding the natural world around us.
Appalachian Outdoors

The George Harvey Memorial Spring Creek Heritage Award
The George Harvey Memorial Spring Creek Heritage Award is a joint award that is presented by ClearWater Conservancy and the Spring Creek Chapter of Trout Unlimited.
Jennifer Shuey

The Campaign to Connect
The challenge at our doorstep today is no more or less than the challenges we have taken on over the years – but it is different in one subtle way – the conservation of this important place on Spring Creek also builds capacity for this community to take on the next era of conservation work.
As we plan for our next 40 years, we know that climate change will intensify development pressure and present new hydrologic conditions that ClearWater is uniquely qualified to address. But to do this breadth of programming at an accelerated pace, and to grow tighter relationships to our conservation partners locally and state-wide, we must have a physical location that facilitates the work.
In 2022, ClearWater Conservancy had the opportunity to purchase the perfect property, on Spring Creek, in Houserville. Here, in the heart of our home watershed, we can walk the walk – showcasing alongside our partners what the best of conservation can look like. Our work can unfold while we share experiences and collaborate with everyone in our community.
The Campaign to Connect is ClearWater's bold initiative to transform conservation efforts in our community. Our $10M campaign aims to connect and protect priority landscapes and streams while enhancing everyone’s appreciation and understanding of the natural world.
The campaign is designed to expand our capacity and enhance our impact by:
Creating a New Expanded Home
A dedicated space to support our mission of land protection, habitat restoration, and conservation education.
Showcasing Conservation Work
Located in the Spring Creek Watershed, this facility will serve Centre County and the surrounding regions, inviting everyone to experience and contribute to local conservation efforts.
Strengthening Our Endowment
Building a robust financial foundation to sustain ClearWater’s mission for the next 40 years & beyond.

We are rebuilding the barn at 1601 Houserville Road on Spring Creek to:
Collaborate with community partners
Demonstrate best practices for ecological land use
Deliver on-the-ground conservation with expanded workshop space & storage
Offer larger office space to accommodate our growing staff
The Community Conservation Center will:
Provide a Community Meeting Room (capacity of 44)
Feature 2700 square feet of Workshop Space
Provide a Locker Room and Shower
Use solar power to meet nearly all electric demand
Employ a geothermal system for HVAC
Showcase streamside buffer & native garden plantings
Provide an ADA accessible path to Spring Creek

Since 1980, ClearWater Conservancy has adapted to growing needs in local conservation. We have protected more than 11,000 acres and improved more than 27 miles of streams.
Help us accelerate the scope and pace of our work to nurture a resilient region and planet now and forever. Your contributions will help build endowments to:
Perform habitat work on protected lands with rare plants and animals
Revisit and manage 5- to 15-year-old streamside buffers, addressing invasives and replanting trees
Foster long-term relationships with landowners beyond Centre County
Represent conservation values in local and regional planning processes